This Sunday at Saint Mark's

The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, February 23

8 a.m. - Low Mass

A spoken service, with traditional language and sermon

Sermon by Father Cobb

9 a.m. - Family Mass

An in-person, contemporary-language service, with music sung by the Boys & Girls Choir, congregational hymns, and sermon

Sermon by Mother Dure

The music for the Mass is:
Christ is the World’s True Light - Walter Kendall Stanton (1891-1978)

10 a.m. - Christian Formation for all ages

11 a.m. - Choral High Mass

An in-person and live-streamed, contemporary-language service, with music sung by the Parish Choir, chant and incense, congregational hymns, and sermon

Sermon by Father Cobb

The music for the Mass:
Missa Brevis - Lennox Berkeley (1903-1989)
If Ye Be Risen be Risen Again with Christ - Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
He That is Down Need Fear No Fall - John Dowland (1563-1626)

Posted on January 12, 2025 .

News from Saint Mark's

Upcoming and Announcements

“Blessing Bags” Collection 
Every day, unhoused members of our community knock on the doors of Saint Mark’s for warmth, nourishment, and resources. The Saint Mark’s Youth Group is accepting donations to make “Blessing Bags,” which are care kits that include the essentials of everyday life. Having readily available care kits at the parish will help the Saint Mark’s staff provide more for those in need. We will be holding a collection of the following items across the parish over the next two weeks to supply our efforts. Donations will be collected near the Soft Space in the Nave through February 20. Please see the list of needed items below:

  • Travel toothbrushes and toothpaste 

  • Travel mouthwash 

  • Kleenex 

  • Lip balm 

  • Hand warmers 

  • Bottled water & sports drinks 

  • Rain resistant ponchos 

  • Lotion 

  • Travel Brushes

  • Dried fruit, granola, & energy bars

Youth Group “Blessing Bags” Night, February 20
All youth ages 12+ are invited to join us to work on a special project for our unhoused brothers and sisters. Every day, unhoused members of our community knock on the doors of Saint Mark’s for warmth, nourishment, and resources. On February 20, teens will gather in the Parish Hall to share dinner and assemble "Blessing Bags," which are care kits that include the essentials of everyday life. Having readily available care kits will help the Saint Mark’s staff provide more for those in need. We will be holding a collection of the following items across the parish over the next two weeks to supply our efforts. Donations will be collected near the Soft Space in the Nave. Friends are always welcome to Youth Group

Parent Meeting, Sunday, February 23 at 10 a.m.
It was an exciting fall for Children and Families at Saint Mark’s! And we want to hear your perspective on all the new programming. Join us for a chance to hear updates about Family Ministry opportunities for the remainder of the year. Mother Lucy Ann Dure will facilitate and introduce herself to our community of families. The meeting will be held in the Rectory Dining Room on Sunday, January 26 at 10 a.m., just after Family Mass.

20s/30s Bible Study, Wednesday, February 26 at 7 p.m.
Bible study continues with a new curriculum entitled Beyond Suffering by Amy-Jill Levine. Join us as we explore the hardship of four characters in the Old Testament. Our next session will be on the story of Naomi. We will discuss the Book of Ruth on Wednesday, February 26 at 7 p.m. Dinner will be provided, and we will enjoy a time of fellowship before the discussion. Feel free to bring a side! 

Looking ahead to Lent
Lent is just around the corner. Before this season of penitence begins, we will have one last feast, a Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday, March 4 at 6 p.m. Following this supper, there will be a pancake race for children and youth, and burning of palms for the following day. Ash Wednesday, March 5, marks the official start of Lent. We will mark this day with Low Mass at 7:30 a.m., Low Mass with Hymns at 12:10 p.m., and Choral High Mass at 7 p.m. There will be imposition of ashes at all Masses.

Posted on January 9, 2025 .