Saint Mark's Musicale

In the style of the French salon tradition, come and be entertained as members of the Saint Mark’s Choirs and friends present musical selections, followed by hors d’oeuvres. It is an afternoon that is sure to delight. The musicale is a fundraiser for the Choirs’ trip to sing at Saint Thomas Fifth Avenue in April. A suggested donation of $20 per person or $40 per family will be requested to help support this trip. Visit the Musicale Facebook event page to share with your friends!

The Combined Choirs of Saint Mark’s at Saint Thomas Fifth Avenue.

The Combined Choirs of Saint Mark’s at Saint Thomas Fifth Avenue.

Posted on March 11, 2019 .

Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Report 2019

The Rector and the Rector’s Warden presented a Report to the Annual Parish Meeting on February 10. The supporting written report includes a budget summary, mention of ministry accomplishments in the past year, and discussion of challenges that lie ahead of us. At the meeting we are reminded of our mission to be a community that gathers in faith, serves in love, and proclaims hope through Jesus Christ. You can find the Rector’s written report to the Parish here.

Posted on February 11, 2019 .

Saint Mark's is accepting applications for Ministry Residents

Ministry Residents at Saint Mark’s are young adults, usually just out of college, who want to give a year of service to the church, in a context of prayer and active ministry, in an intentional community, that allows for focused discernment about how God is calling them to live their lives.

Ministry Residents live in the Rectory, and contribute to and support the daily round of prayer and worship in the parish. They take leadership in outreach ministries and in ministries with families and children and young adults.

Sharing is at the heart of the Ministry Residents program.  Ministry Residents share a common home, common prayer, common worship, common meals, common services common purpose, and, we pray, common joy.

Ministry Residents are part of the the Servant Year program of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, which is part of the Episcopal Service Corps.

Saint Mark’s is looking for two or three young people who have attained a certain measure of maturity and who will bring energy, enthusiasm, and imagination to the community to serve as Ministry Residents for 2019- 2020.  Those who bring a particular interest in outreach ministry to those in need, and/or in ministry to and with children and families will be particularly well suited to the positions.

Read more about the the Rule of Common Life shared by members of Servant Year.  And have a look at St. James School, our partner institution in Servant Year.

Explore a more detailed description of what we are looking for in our Ministry Residents, and what we hope we will share with them.

Direct questions about the position or applications to Father Sean Mullen.

Posted on January 31, 2019 .