Adult Forum

On Sundays at 10 a.m., our parish gathers for discussion and teaching on topics that matter to us as Christians. Usually our talks are energetic and fulfilling, with lots of great ideas in the air. Come by for a good cup of coffee, stay for a great class and a rousing discussion! All classes meet in-person in the Parish Hall, ending in time for the 11 a.m. Mass. Contact Mother Nora Johnson if you have questions or would like to hear more.

Pilgrimage and Spirituality

October 27-November 10

In the coming weeks, leading up to Commitment Sunday on November 17, the Forum will be exploring the idea of pilgrimage. We’ll look at a range of topics that help us make connections between stewardship of our own gifts and the practices of pilgrims historically and in the present day. How is a journey to another place connected to the sacred trust we have been given to uphold here at Saint Mark’s?  

October 27: Pilgrimage and Presence

How does the practice of pilgrimage help us to see God in all places and in all things?  It may be possible to think of a pilgrimage as an expression of the idea that God’s presence is “somewhere else,” located in some sacred location that we have to find through our own efforts. This session will teach us about some other ways of understanding God’s presence in the world. Pilgrimage can teach us that God is with us, right where we are, and that loving our local community and parish are ways of finding God everywhere.

November 3: Pilgrimage and Welcome

An important and fraught part of the history of pilgrimage is the history of “holy wars” and the conquest of territory inhabited by people we learn to think of as “infidels.” We might also wonder about the association between pilgrimage and tourism, a practice not always beneficial to the inhabitants of a place that becomes a “destination.” We’ll talk about ways that contemporary pilgrims have learned to reimagine their journeys, and we’ll learn from them about how our relationship with God is part of a genuinely loving embrace of the whole world.

November 10: Pilgrimage and Trust

Traditionally the pilgrim must rely upon the hospitality of other people and upon God’s providence as they make their journeys. We’ll explore the ways that a pilgrim’s journey might teach us more about what we really need, and what kind of community we need to be if we are going to learn the virtues of generosity and trust. 

November 17: Commitment Sunday, no Forum