Status of Restrictions

In compliance with instructions from the City of Philadelphia and from the Diocese of Pennsylvania, Saint Mark’s is now operating under the following guidelines to expand ministry and maintain safety. Please continue to check here for live-streaming information and for updates about the status of restrictions. We are all in this pandemic together, and we want to contribute to the common good.

Relaxation of Restrictions

  • No registration is required to attend liturgies.

  • No building capacity limit.

  • Congregational singing may resume.

  • Offering hospitality with an outdoor Coffee Hour following the Sunday High Mass.

Safety Measures Still in Place

  • Masks are required, regardless of vaccination status.

  • Modified social distancing, every other pew.

  • Offering hand sanitizer to promote good hygiene habits.

  • Communion offered in one kind at the crossing.

  • Continue to offer live-streaming of liturgies.

Posted on June 14, 2021 .

The Lion's Mark June/July 2021

This issues of the Lion's Mark highlights:

  • A reflection from Father Mullen on the lighting and AV projects.

  • A welcome message from Mother Frazier.

  • An update on the music ministry by Robert McCormick.

  • Jeremy Hutcheson offers perspective on the philosophy that guides hospitality at the Saturday Soup Bowl, including why they are hosting a training in June on de-escalation techniques and identifying harassment.

  • Questions that the Stewardship Committee is asking itself and invites you to ponder too.

  • The story of how Neighbor Care, Saint Mark's grassroots pastoral care ministry, provided fertile ground for parishioners to connect with each other and engage with their neighbors at St. Simon's in Point Breeze.

Posted on May 27, 2021 .

The Lion's Mark April/May 2021

In this issue, read reflections and updates from Father Sean Mullen and Robert McCormick, topics for the Adult Forum with Mother Nora Johnson through the end of the program year, and news about our new outreach partnerships with other parishes in Philadelphia and spotlights on their leadership. Read the latest issue.

Posted on March 25, 2021 .