The Lion's Mark December 2022/January 2023

This issue of the Lion’s Mark includes:

  • Father Mullen examines why God might have chosen to send His Son into the world and a multifaceted concept of “time” since Jesus has come, continues to come to us, and will come again.

  • Mother Frazier gives ways to keep Advent as a family along with age-appropriate ways for younger and older children.

  • Robert McCormick outlines the music selections for a Procession of Advent Lessons & Carols and other music over Advent and Christmas.

  • Adult Forum topics for Advent exploring the works of Thomas Traherne, and upcoming topics for the new year.

  • A message from the Rector on how we can “flip the script” on our relationship with money and how this inspiration came to him from an unexpected musical source!

  • News of the passage of Resolution R-7 at Diocesan Convention supporting LGBTQ+ people in the life of the church, which was introduced by Saint Mark’s parishioner Messapotamia Lefae.

  • Information about the start of Confirmation Classes in January.

  • Upcoming Events in the life of the parish for the Season of Advent and the Christmas Schedule.

Posted on November 22, 2022 .

The Lion's Mark October/November 2022

This issue of the Lion’s Mark includes:

  • Father Mullen explores the idea that within the church an “economy of giftedness” exists separately from the marketplace economy and how within this “economy of giftedness,” God serves as the source of our gifts and blessings.

  • An announcement about special liturgical projects debuting in Advent.

  • An update on the Music Ministry from Robert McCormick.

  • Thoughts by Mother Frazier on children belonging in church and the roles in which they serve.

  • Adult Forum Topics for October and November

  • Thomas Gaynor shares the various themes for Saint Mark’s Singer after-rehearsal fellowship time.

  • A message from a member of the Stewardship Committee pondering “Who is the church really for?”

  • An update on the Tower and Lady Chapel project.

  • Upcoming events for October and November in the life of the parish.

Posted on October 12, 2022 .