An Announcement from the Rector


Dear friends in Christ,

I'm writing to share with you the news that our Assistant Rector, Fr. Kyle Babin, has been called to be the Rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Rosemont, on the Main Line.  Fr. Babin's gifts will be a blessing to this well-known Anglo-catholic parish.  We will miss him greatly, and I’m glad that he’ll remain a not-distant neighbor.  In only a short time here, Fr. Babin has provided excellent leadership of ministries with families and children, 20s and 30s, and has steered RISE - an experimental ministry - through its most recent phase.  He's been a gentle and good pastor to so many of us.  And we have benefitted from his voice in the pulpit and at the altar.  I'm very sorry to lose Fr. Babin as a colleague in ministry on Locust Street, but I am confident that God is blessing him and the people of Rosemont by bringing them together through this call.  Fr. Babin will be with us through much of the summer, wrapping up his time here on August 16, which will mean he can be with us through Choir Camp, assuming the camp is able to happen.  He and his husband, Robert McCormick (our Organist and Choirmaster) will be moving to Rosemont shortly thereafter, which means a longer commute to Locust Street for Mr. McCormick. As we get closer to the time, we will plan a way to celebrate his ministry among us in a way that's appropriate and safe, so that we can say thank you and wish him God's blessing in his new ministry. You'll be hearing more from me about this as plans are made, and I'll keep you updated on the search for a new priest to join our parish community.  Meanwhile, don't forget to offer your thanks to God for Fr. Babin's fine ministry, as I am doing too.


Fr. Sean Mullen

Posted on May 1, 2020 .