This issue of the Lion’s Mark includes:
A reflection from Father Mullen on the symbolic importance of water in the life of church and our own lives.
An update on the Music Ministry, including information about our new Assistant Organist & Choirmaster.
A note from Bryan Dunnewald on how Bota con Brio (the happy hour that follows Saint Mark’s Singers rehearsals) has forged new friendships and built community within the ensemble.
Information about Camp Mustard Seed and its focus on learning about creation and having fun at Grumblethorpe.
An update from Father Moore on Neighbor Care happenings; and how the Psalms give us a language to express our anxiety at the current affairs of the world, while at the same time, equip us with hope.
A more detailed explanation on what is going on with the Bell Tower and Lady Chapel scaffolding.
10 a.m. Forum Topics for the rest of the program year and upcoming events at Saint Mark’s.