Saint Mark’s Church, Locust Street


Covenant & Protocols for return to limited public worship 

Authorized - 17 June 2020 | Updated - 17 September 2020

Community Covenant

A covenant describes a relationship of mutual trust and self-giving.  During this time of continued pandemic we pray that in addition to a commitment to our baptismal covenant (found on pages 304-305 of the BCP 1979), we ask all members of the parish community to also consider these specific aspects of mutual respect and love, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit:

We are of the conviction that we cannot authentically gather as the Body of Christ if we are unconcerned about one another’s well-being.  The safety and wellness of every member of the community is of primary concern.  We could not worship joyfully if we did not hold that concern paramount.

We have confidence and trust in God not only to care for us, but to hear our prayers and to lift our hearts toward heaven and toward one another as we pray, no matter how great the distance between us may be.

We have faith that God nourishes our souls with the Presence of his Son our Lord and the power of his Spirit even when we cannot physically receive the Blessed Sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood.

We endeavor to make decisions on the basis of this conviction, this confidence, this faith.

General Protocols for Worship

A return to limited public worship is predicated on appropriate authorization by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.  We endeavor to observe all applicable and appropriate guidelines of the Commonwealth and the Diocese.

In accordance with guidelines from the Commonwealth and the Diocese, during Modified Phase II, in-person worship will be limited to 5% capacity.

All those attending limited public worship do so at their own risk, cognizant of the possibility of the transmission of germs, and aware that the parish is taking every reasonable precaution to prevent the spread of disease.

In resuming limited public worship, we do so with recommendations, requirements, and responsibilities.


•    Persons who are in any way immuno-compromised, or who have underlying medical conditions, including but not limited to respiratory conditions, should seriously consider that it might be unwise to venture out to church at this stage.  We recommend that you stay home and worship with us online.

•    Persons who are above the age of 60 should seriously consider that it might be unwise to venture out to church at this stage.  We recommend that you stay home and worship with us online.

•    Parents of young children should seriously consider whether it might be unwise to venture out to church with or without your children at this stage.  We want children in church, and we miss them, but for now, we recommend that you stay home and worship with us online.

•    Members of the same household may be seated (or stand) together for worship.  But each member of the household counts toward the limit of the maximum person-occupancy.


•    No more than 10% occupancy as long as 6-foot of social distancing can be maintained.

  • At Saint Mark’s, this is approximately 40 people.

•    Worshipers must be asymptomatic to the best of their knowledge.  If you are experiencing any symptoms of the virus, you must not come to church, for your own safety, and for the safety and well-being of others.

•    Worshipers must make a reservation to attend the liturgy in advance.  Reservations can be made by following the links on the weekly email newsletter. 

•    Worshipers must supply us with telephone and email contact information in advance (information provided below).

•    Worshipers must enter through the Parish Hall doors (or other designated entry point) to check in no less than 5 minutes prior to the hour the liturgy is scheduled to begin.

•    Worshipers must observe social distancing, and observe a 6-foot distance from others.

•    Worshipers must wear masks.

•    Worshipers must follow instructions from ushers, staff, and as indicated on signs.

•    Those who use restrooms must follow posted protocols for cleaning upon leaving the restroom.


•   We all accept that we are responsible for ourselves and to one another.

•   Worshipers accept the responsibility of informed consent, recognizing that COVID-19 is a serious and highly communicable disease.  An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place where a gathering takes place.  The protocols described in this document are intended to create an environment of safety and reduced risk, but these protocols cannot and do not provide any guarantee or assurance of protection against exposure to this or any other disease.  Worshipers voluntarily assume the risk of exposure to COVID-19 or other diseases.

•   Because of the risk of transmission of disease, the Peace will be exchanged verbally, without physical sign, gesture or touching, at all liturgies.

•   Because of the risk of transmission of disease the Sacred Blood of our Lord will be consumed from the Chalice only by the Celebrant.  All worshipers may receive the Host, following protocols described below.

•   Hand sanitizer will be available in several places throughout the church, and we encourage its use, especially before and after receiving communion.

Sunday Protocols

8 a.m. - Low Mass, “Rite III”

Low Mass will be said in the West Garden, weather permitting.   In the event of rain this Mass will move indoors.  The liturgy will be simplified and stream-lined using the so-called "Form III" order for the liturgy that allows for.  Important points to keep in mind:

  • Please check in at the gate between 7:45 and 7:55 am

  • Stakes will be spaced at 6-feet intervals to help all keep a healthy social distance.

  • The Celebrant will bring the Blessed Sacrament to each worshiper

  • You may stand throughout the liturgy.  If you wish to sit, please bring your own folding chair.

  • We are not able to offer any hospitality after Mass

10 a.m. High Mass (or Sung Mass, as required)

•   The liturgy will follow the Order for The Holy Eucharist: Rite II

  • Please check in at the West Doors between 9:45 and 9:55.

  • Roped-off pews are not available for seating.

  • Hymnals and Prayer Books are not to be used and have been removed from pews available for seating.  A leaflet will be provided.

  • Communion will be distributed at the Crossing, in one kind only.  Once you have received the Host, please step to the right or the left before removing your mask to consume the Host.  Then replace your mask and return to your place by the side aisle.

  • Only the Parish hall bathroom is available for use

  • We are not able to offer any hospitality after Mass.

  • Only the Parish Hall bathroom will be available for use.  Downstairs restrooms will not be available.  The Outer Sacristy restroom will not be available.

12:10 p.m. Low Mass during the week

  • The liturgy will follow either the Order for The Holy Eucharist: Rite I or The Order for Holy Eucharist: Rite II.

The Daily Offices

  • For the time being the Daily Offices will be recited in the church with the doors closed, and will be live-streamed so that worshipers may join online.

Attendance Management/Reservations

Reservations will be made using Realm - our database and management software - by creating events for which a limited number of people (ie less than maximum allow) will be able to sign up.  Use of this system ensures that we have contact information for anyone who makes a reservation.  This means that we have contact information to enable contact tracking should it be necessary.  We can use this information to contact people on Realm, by email, or by phone.  We will have a backup capability for reservations to be made by phone.

General Protocols for Fellowship

During this phase we will have some limited in-person fellowship while maintaining many online options.   We will continue Zoom Coffee Hours on Sunday mornings, and various other regularly scheduled Zoom meetings for a number of groups. Side-walk Fellowship is an opportunity to gather on the sidewalk of Locust St to greet other parishioners while observing social distance and wearing a mask.

General Protocols for Formation

During this phase we will have no in-person formation.   We will continue Zoom Check-ins with a number of formation groups.  Most children’s formation will be on hiatus, but there will be a children’s homily posted online every Sunday.   Leaders of individual groups (like Bible Study make their own schedules for online continuation during the summer months.

General Protocols for Pastoral Care

During this phase, the clergy continue to be available for pastoral care, though we are not making in-person calls except in extreme emergencies. 

General Protocols for Building Use

The building is generally not available for use by outside groups.  AA meetings have been suspended indefinitely.  Performance groups may not use the space for performance or rehearsal.