At the Threshold Campaign

Saint Mark's is laying the groundwork for a major capital project that will be part of the 175th anniversary.   That project will focus on accessibility to our buildings, making more space available for programs, and continuing to advance historic preservation of our National Historic Landmark buildings.  In the near-term, we need an updated master plan so that we can finally find some solutions to challenges that have eluded us for decades, and we need to address some more immediately urgent capital repairs as well.  

The work we have to do will cost at least $650,000.  Lead gifts and other resources available to us, allow us to launch this early-stage campaign more than a third of the way toward our goal, with more than $200,000 committed. These gifts have been made in recognition of the 25th anniversary of Fr. Mullen's ordination to the priesthood, which we celebrated on December 7, 2021.

Please review the information about the campaign, and be in contact with a committee member if you'd like more information, or to make a gift.

Fr. Sean Mullen, Rector
Jay Blossom, Committee Member
Joshua Castaño, Committee Member
Amelia Schmertz, Committee Member

Posted on December 8, 2021 .

The Lion's Mark December/January 2021

This issue of The Lion’s Mark includes:

  • A reflection by Father Mullen on the relationship between science, faith, and the language of Christmas.

  • An update on the Music Ministry by Robert McCormick.

  • How Children’s Formation continues to navigate teaching children about their faith while keeping them safe in the on-going and ever-changing pandemic.

  • Details about how to prepare for Adult Baptism, Reception, and Confirmation in the spring.

  • Adult Formation programming for Advent and Christmastide.

Posted on December 6, 2021 .

The Lion's Mark August/September 2021

This issue of the Lion's Mark includes:

  • Father Mullen's vision on life of the parish and the "ramp" to what God is possibly calling us to on the other side of the pandemic.

  • Mother Frazier offers information about how children's formation could look like in the fall, while acknowledging that plans could change.

  • Robert McCormick provides an update on Saint Mark's music ministry. This includes information about an exciting new musical opportunity, the Saint Mark's Singers, directed by Bryan Dunnewald, Assistant Organist & Choirmaster.

  • Topics for the 10 a.m. Forum in the fall, exploring various themes that inform Saint Mark's work and ministry.

  • Updates about Neighbor Care happenings and a message from Father Moore.

Posted on August 19, 2021 .

Status of Restrictions

In compliance with instructions from the City of Philadelphia and from the Diocese of Pennsylvania, Saint Mark’s is now operating under the following guidelines to expand ministry and maintain safety. Please continue to check here for live-streaming information and for updates about the status of restrictions. We are all in this pandemic together, and we want to contribute to the common good.

Relaxation of Restrictions

  • No registration is required to attend liturgies.

  • No building capacity limit.

  • Congregational singing may resume.

  • Offering hospitality with an outdoor Coffee Hour following the Sunday High Mass.

Safety Measures Still in Place

  • Masks are required, regardless of vaccination status.

  • Modified social distancing, every other pew.

  • Offering hand sanitizer to promote good hygiene habits.

  • Communion offered in one kind at the crossing.

  • Continue to offer live-streaming of liturgies.

Posted on June 14, 2021 .

The Lion's Mark June/July 2021

This issues of the Lion's Mark highlights:

  • A reflection from Father Mullen on the lighting and AV projects.

  • A welcome message from Mother Frazier.

  • An update on the music ministry by Robert McCormick.

  • Jeremy Hutcheson offers perspective on the philosophy that guides hospitality at the Saturday Soup Bowl, including why they are hosting a training in June on de-escalation techniques and identifying harassment.

  • Questions that the Stewardship Committee is asking itself and invites you to ponder too.

  • The story of how Neighbor Care, Saint Mark's grassroots pastoral care ministry, provided fertile ground for parishioners to connect with each other and engage with their neighbors at St. Simon's in Point Breeze.

Posted on May 27, 2021 .